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Calvary Fellowship Church in Wynne, AR is a nondenominational church that believes in the Holy trinity, miracles, laying on of hands and the power of prayer. 


We believe Jesus is the Son of God that He came in the flesh and was crucified to pay the wages of sin, which is death, for all the sins of the world.  Then, God raised Him from the dead, on the third day, and He is seated on the throne, at the right hand of God, and ever lives to make intercession for us.  If we believe that this is true and confess our sins to God, then He will forgive us and Jesus's sacrifice will have paid the price for us.


CFM 2019


And then God answered: "Write this.  Write what you see.  Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run.  This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming-- it can hardly wait!  And, it doesn't lie.  If it seems slow in coming, wait.  It's on it's way.  It will come right on time.

Habakkuk 2: 2-3


We will be a PRESENCE driven church.  The focus of this ministry is to create an encounter with Jesus.  We will set an atmosphere where people can encounter HIM, not religion or tradition.  We will inspire God's people to step outside of the norm and their usual boundaries to pursue Christ.

(John 12: 32)


How will we pursue presence?

  .  Worship (Psalms 22: 3)

  .  Prayer (James 5: 16)

  .  Word (2 Tim. 2: 15)


We will be a church that focuses on RESTORATION.  Christ's purpose was restoration.  As a church body, our ministry will be about bringing restoration to those who are broken and downtrodden.

(1 Peter 5: 10, 2 Corinthians 5: 17)


We will be a church that ministers to the FAMILY UNIT.  We want to see our children, teens and adults grow spiritually together (Eccl, 4: 12, Ps. 127: 3-5, Eph 5: 22)


We will be a church that DISCIPLES.  We will be a ministry that helps discover the gifts and callings in God's people and to develop those callings (Matt 28: 19)


We will be a church that SERVES.  We will be a ministry that focuses on servanthood.  We will give our time and efforts in order to touch the lives of our fellow man (Mark 10: 45, 1 Peter 4: 10)


We will be a church that is COMMUNITY MINDED.  God has placed this church in Cross County for a reason and we must become stewards over the area he has given us (Matt 5:16)


We will be a church that is MISSIONS MINDED.  We will continue to support those who fulfill the Great Commission on foreign soil (Matt 25: 35-40)


Salvation minded, Healing minded, Deliverance minded, Discipleship minded, Servanthood minded

Presence Driven!

We have a Nursery ministry. (new born to 4 years)

We have a Children's ministry that we call God Squad. (for ages 5 to 11)

We have a Youth ministry, on Wednesday nights, called Impact Youth. (for ages 12 to 19)


We also have an Adult class on Wednesday night called Life class. (for ages 20 and up)

Service times


Sunday morning:  10:00 am to 12:00 noon


Wednesday Night Hospitality: 5:45 pm to 6:30 pm

Wednesday night:  7:00 pm to 8:00 pm


Intercessory Prayer - Thursday 5:30 pm

We hope that you will come and join us in serving God together.  

All are welcome, every race, male or female, rich or poor.



Joshua and Nikki Nicholson

Courageous and straight forward, Pastor Joshua Nicholson, through study of God's word and time spent in prayer, brings an anointing that's strong and powerful.  His serious yet fun style combined with respect for the word makes his sermons both urgent and eye opening, bringing revelation to challenge our flock to do God's will.

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