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She's Got Skills

Writer's picture: NikkiNikki

Proverbs 31

V. 13"She looks for wool and flax And works with willing hands in delight."

V.19 "She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands hold the spindle [as she spins wool into thread for clothing].

V.22 "She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry. Her clothing is linen, pure and fine, and purple [wool].

When I was in Jr. High I took Home Ec. We did a five week stint where we learned how to sew. We were going to have the oppourtunity to pick out our own pattern and fabric and make what ever we wanted then when the five weeks were up we were going to have a fashion show in front of the whole school and model our outfits. I was so excited! My mother and I went to Wal-Mart and I picked out the prettiest purple fabric and a pattern for a jumper...don't judge, it was the early 90's. I was going to rock the fashion show! The girls would be envious of my purple attire! The guys were going to think that I was all that! It was going to be amazing! You can imagine how crushed I was when I quickly realized that I was not going to be the next Donatella Versace. My clothing would never hang alongside Tommy Hilfiger or Ralph Lauren. I would never know Fashion Week in New York. I would never walk past the heavily cologned counters of Dillard's and see my artistic creations. Nooo... and why? Because my sewing ability Very, very limited. Quiet frankly, it was horrid.

Shamefully I brought my hideous creation home to my mother, who by the way, not only can crochet, cross stitch, but can sew beautifully. An art that was passed down to her from her mother. An art that died a slow and agonizing death when passed on to me. I can honestly say that Helen Keller would have done a far more fitting job than I did. Sadly, I did not get to participate in the fashion show as I was literally unable to wear my garment... it was not exactly symmetrical and the sleeve may or may not have been sewn to the leg.

You can imagine my panic when I first began to study this Proverbs 31 woman. She looks for wool. She holds the spindle. She makes coverlets and cushions! Lord, you know I'm challenged! I'm doing good to sew a button and you want me to make a what? What is a coverlet anyway? Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "She was using the talents and resources I gave her. Her particular skill was sewing."

Her...Her skill? So HER skill doesn't necessarily have to be MY skill? Nope! And that is the beauty of it! You see, God has given us all a talent, a gift, a capability, a craft, and an expertise that is as unique as we are. And though these gifts are different they are meant to be used for one singular reason- 1 Peter 4:10 says, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..." We are to use what God has given us to touch the lives of those around us and to touch the souls that God sends along our path.

What set this Proverbs 31 Woman apart? She recognized her gift and was resourceful with it. She found something that she loved and was good at and she used it as a means to provide for her family. Maybe you can't sing, but you can cook- reach out to the single mom working two jobs and provide a meal. That is as much ministry as standing in a pulpit. Maybe you can't cook, but you are great with children, volunteer to be a mentor at your local school. Maybe kids aren't your thing, but you are a great listener- think about the lonely widow who really just wants someone to talk to. The purpose behind the gift is to touch the life of another.

I'm sure some of you have asked yourself and maybe even the Lord, "What do I have to offer?" And be mindful, the enemy would answer, "Nothing." That is a lie. You have SOMETHING inside of you that God has placed there specifically for you. Maybe it's humor, maybe it's compassion, maybe it's love, maybe it's wisdom. I mentioned my mother earlier- who aside from being a star seamstress can cook like nobody's business- she may never step foot in the pulpit of a church. She may never know what it feels like to minister on foreign soil, but she knows what it feels like to provide dinner for a lovely family struggling with cancer. She knows what it's like to make baklava for over worked and underpaid public school employees. She spreads love through the sharing of her culinary abilities. And yes!!!! That is ministry! Your gift may seem insignificant to you, but it is very significant to the life you touch while using it!

Take the time to ask the Lord what gift he has placed in you and how he would like to see you use it. Then take a step of faith and utilize the gift he has placed in you! Touch someone's life with the gift that God has given you!

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