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  • Writer's pictureJesusDaioh

The still small voice

1 Kings 19: 11-12

I was driving home the other day, renewed in strength and faith in the Lord, because of a man of God, preaching a revival at a small church in Sherwood, Arkansas. The words he spoke dove deep into my soul and reignited a dream and passion that God had given me a long time ago. While musing in Faith, on the promises and hope that God had ignited in me, I heard a still small voice tell me to go look at a couple of buildings that The Lord had placed on my heart. At first, I pushed it off but before I made another block, I was reminded of some of the times that I had ignored that small voice and missed what God had for me. So, I turned the truck and listened to the still small voice. I mean, what could it hurt.

When i got to where I was going and parked. There was a man in a work truck sitting beside the buildings talking to someone. I asked the man in the truck about the buildings and found out who owned them. I left him and walked around the building to look in the front and type the names of the owners into my phone. As I was standing there, another car pulled up in front of the building. It was another worker and his wife but these folks used to be my neighbors. Guess what! He was just about to go in and look at the plans for the building. So, he let me go in and see the inside of the very building that I was wanting to go in and see.

Now, it was quite awesome how God had worked out all that timing just for me to get the information I needed and see the inside of the building but that is just the tip of the ice burg! With the dream God had given me, alot of money would be required and time and effort. BUT GOD: when I walked into the building, I asked the man what was going on there. See, there was alot of construction going on. The building was being totally remodeled, bathrooms added rooms built! Then suddenly all the reservations that I had, all the worries that the devil was dumping on me, every stress and strain related to the dream God had given me, melted away. God already had everything that I would need to fulfill the dream, He had given me, in the works! Everything I wondered and worried about, He already knew I needed and had someone else paying for and getting accomplished! Now, I'm all about free stuff but this level of God moving and arranging blew my mind!

I was blown away by the inside of the building even in the middle of remodel. Details of the inside of the building that I had in mind were already in place and far better than I could have imagined. The simple fact that God allowed me to see His plan in motion just floors me. All this because I listened to the still small voice when it spoke. My life was delivered of oppression and worry and stress. My faith was pushed through the roof and my thankfulness and gratefulness to God consumes me.

I know that my God has called me to do this. I know that His will will be done. I know that I don't have to worry about any of it. What God has told you, He will do. Just trust Him and when you hear that still small voice speak, just obey it. It will take you to places and show you things that you cannot imagine and the things that you thought were impossible, become so easy.

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